Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hey, I've been tagged by... MaryBeth!  I will be a half way good sport and do this but I won't tag anyone else. I am not that mean. ;) Besides - Everyone I know has already been tagged except Courtney and she is too busy.

Here is what I have to do:
Answer some questions
Link her to my blog
Tag six other people and
Comment on their blog to let them know.

Who is your favorite author and why?
I can't really name a favorite author. I do love the writing style of Lucy Maud Montgomery and C.S. Lewis. I would also have to say that I like the author of The Powers That Be. ;) I was really fun to read a novel and know the author. I could see him in the book so much!!

Who was your first favorite author and why?
I don't even know. I loved the Grandma's Attic series when I was little. (Actually I still do) but I don't remember the authors name.

Who is your most recent addition to your favorite authors and why?
John Piper. I just started reading a book by him called Taste and See. It has been very good so far. I think very highly of him.

If someone were to ask you right now - which author would just pop into mind?
All the ones I just named! Probably Jerry B. Jenkins because MB named him and J R R Tolkein because Hannah named him etc.

1 comment:

Anna Joy said...

oh, I loved those Grandma's Attic books when I was younger. :)