I am still not going to catch up on any of the posts I am supposed to be doing... None of the pictures I need to post are on this computer.
Today was long. I don't really feel like giving details because I am tired. I know this is boring for everyone, but after all this is what I said I started this blog for - So I could keep track of events.
Anyway... enough excuses already.
I got up late (I am really good at sleeping through the snooze on my alarm clock!) and had to rush around to leave in time for my violin lesson. Monica and I left on time (surprisingly enough) for our lessons. We had our normal lessons. Enough of that part of the day.
We left straight from there to go to Lafayette. It takes about an hour and half to get there from where we were. We met with some friends for lunch. We ate at this place called Moe's. I got the biggest burrito type thing I have ever seen. I didn't even eat half of it. ( the rest of it will come in later in my story)
When we had said our good byes we went to clean a house. Monica was supposed to clean it earlier this week but that is a story in and of itself. So since I was along for the ride today I helped her clean it. The house was massive!! It made ours look small. (maybe not quite but close) It was built in 1843. I really like old houses. It was such a cool house! It had some pretty ornate woodwork.
After we finished cleaning the house I was starting to get hungry again. So I got my burrito out and started eating it again. When I decided I had had enough I wrapped it up again. We did a little bit of shopping while we were there. And on the way home I finished my burrito. I told you it was BIG. Now do you believe me?
Was that boring enough for everyone?? At least I can say I posted.