On June 28th my Mom, Beckisue, Jonathan, Amanda, Stephanie and I started out on an adventure. Of course, I guess if you stop and think about it everything is an adventure. At least it seems that way to me. So maybe I should say we started out on a *big* adventure!
Our destination was Boston to attend the Reformation 500 hosted by Vision Forum. But I will start with the beginning (a very good place to start, don't you know?!) before we get to the main event.
We took off after church. We planned to stay the night with some new friends of ours in north eastern Ohio. With just a short (hour long) delay when someone missed a road sign (I won't name names) we made it around 8 PM.
We had a wonderful visit with the Ferrar family! Mrs. Ferrar served us a *wonderful* italian dinner. When then stayed up very late talking and laughing about a multitude of subjects. Christian friendship is such a sweet gift from God.
Monday we pretty much did more of the same. Mrs. Ferrar, Beckisue, Mom and I went and did a little shopping. When we came home the girls were all dancing in the back yard so I joined them. That was so much fun. I am sure the neighbors thought we were all crazy! Eight girls doing English Country dances in the back yard - what a sight!
Late afternoon brought the time to say good-bye. I don't like saying good-bye, but when you have to say good bye to get on to the next stop on your adventure it isn't quite as bad.
Monday evening we drove about an hour to visit some other friends. An other fun evening and delicious italian meal. After dinner we went for a walk through some beautiful woods. We then watched Pendragon. I had been wanting to watch that for quite a while.
I guess I am going to have to start cutting out some details or no one is actually going to read the whole thing!
Tuesday morning rolled around (all too early I might add since we stayed up WAY too late the two nights before!) and it was time to start out on an other day of travel.
It was raining when we left and rained for the first leg of the trip. The rain was so bad that part of the interstate was flooded and was down to one lane.
Our next destination was Niagara Falls. On the way we got to see Lake Erie. My younger brother and sisters and I had never seen it before. One more thing to mark on my mental list of places I have seen. Niagara was beautiful even if the sun wasn't shining. I was a little disappointed about the no sun part but I was still thankful for the opportunity to see it. I had always been told about the mist at the falls. No joke! At one point I thought for sure it was rain but my siblings insisted it was just water from the falls. Which ever way it was we got SOAKED and it was really cold! We had planned to try to go across to Canada but I guess they just changed it to where you have to have a passport now. I was disappointed! Being that close and not being about to be there! I can at least say I have *seen* Canada!
So off we were again. We decided to take the scenic highway instead of the quicker route so we could see Lake Ontario. It took us a LOT longer but it was *SO* worth it. The sun came out soon after we left the falls and the drive was beautiful. I was driving now so I couldn't look around as much but I still enjoyed the drive tremendously! I have decided that New York state is one of the prettiest places I have been - and I have been a lot of places. We stopped at a little ice cream shop not far from the lake. The ice cream there was super good! We kept driving and saw a sign for a lighthouse and decided to stop. My family NEVER travels like this. We always get in the car and just drive until we get there. This stopping and seeing things stuff is definitely new! Where the lighthouse was was a state park. It was so beautiful. I am totally running out of adjectives! I keep using the same ones over and over. I guess I need to expand my vocabulary. Anyway, back to the story. There was a small pier that we walked out on and took pictures. The Lord gave us the most glorious day. We got to tour the light house. We climbed to the top and looked over the lake. It was so beautiful it made me want to start spouting Psalms. The heavens declare...
Unfortunately our time there was VERY limited and we had to get back on the road. We still had many hours to drive that day. The time was quickly passing. Our next stop was our hotel in New Hampshire. I forgot to mention earlier on that New York was a new state to Jonathan, Amanda, Stephanie and me. Then we drove through Vermont and that was also the first time we had been there. Then New Hampshire. A day full of first! Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Niagara Falls, New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire!
I think I will end there for now. Wednesday starts the conference. This post will get so long no one will ever read it if I don't split it up!