Today when I got home from violin lessons I walked past the living room and dad said "We are going out to dinner with Sean's girlfriend." Dad said she was my age.
We went to dinner at a fabulous Mexican restaurant in town. That has nothing to do with the story I just thought I would throw it in there because I love the place.
We chatted for a while and found out some basic information about each others lives. Dad started asking her about what changes she has noticed in Sean's life the last few months. She was very encouraged. She said she has seen big changes.
My parents were supposed to leave for Indianapolis when we were done with supper. Dad thought the conversations was going so well though he didn't want to cut it off so he invited her to our house.
She came out and the three of us continued our conversations. Actually, I was just there as an other presence. I don't think I added anything to the conversation.
Dad continued to share the Gospel with her in much more depth than he had at the restaurant. She seemed to be very open to what dad was telling her. From things she said I believe God has been preparing her heart for months. At the end she professed faith in Christ. It was so very exciting to watch.
I asked Nikki if she wanted to go for a walk with me. God had given us the most beautiful evening for such an occasion! We walked and talked for a couple of miles. Some just chatting and getting to know each other. Part of the time she had questions for me. Mostly about baptism. I shared my testimony with her and also the testimony of a friend of mine. All in all it was a wonderful evening! I look forward to getting to know her and watching her grow; helping to teach her, and learning myself in the process!