Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I thought it would be easier to just post about this rather than try to explain it to everyone. I am really excited about going. It will be great to get to learn more about Ellerslie while there.

I'm happy to announce that we have another opportunity for an OutReach project. All the details are below. Space is limited so please post up or let me know via private message that you are thinking of coming and I will get you a registration form asap...

What: HSA OutReach Project to renovate and remodel on the Ellerslie Campus

When: September 23-30 (tentative)

Where: The Ellerslie campus ( Windsor, CO

Why: Eric and Leslie Ludy, speakers at the 2009 HSA National Reunion have recently launched a new global ministry and training center. They will have just completed their first training session and will be anticipating the arrival of several orphans who are going to be using their facility and receiving their education at Ellerslie. To this end, their campus needs some remodeling and renovations. Besides, who can think of doing anything better than serving our fellow believers in and hanging out with other HSA'ers in beautiful Colorado?

How: The projects will be divided up under several skilled team leaders who will act as "crew chief". Each volunteer is highly valued and will be placed with a specific team for a specific project based on their specific skills and experience. Please do not hesitate to come to the event even if you do not have extensive experience in this type of work. Anyone is welcome who is willing to work hard and learn, and a wide range of skills and experience levels are valuable to the whole team.

Other Details:

This OutReach opportunity is open to all HSA'ers (and their friends and family) over age 18 at the time of the event. If an entire family unit or someone under 18 wishes to come, contact me and we'll discuss skill level and lodging space.

The closest airport is Denver. We will be scheduling transportation for anyone who flies to this event. Lodging and Food will be provided on the Ellerslie campus by the Ellerslie staff. All that is being asked of you is to attend and be willing to work hard and serve cheerfully.

Additionally, you are not obligated to be at the whole event if you can come for just a few days, you are still welcome. If we have more workers than is needed for the projects, we will be looking into additional ministry opportunities. And, yes, we'll definitely be planning some hikes and fun times...especially if the work gets done quickly!

What we will be doing:

-- Painting
-- Carpentry/Building a deck
-- Installing windows
-- Possible landscaping
-- Assembling furniture
-- General "sprucing up"
-- And more...

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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