Thursday, April 17, 2008

"For By Grace..."

My friend, Courtney, has just started a blog and she gave her testimony in her first post. I decided it was a good idea. I have never tried to write mine before, so I decided now would be a good time to try.
When I was about six years old my dad told me he wanted to talk to me one evening. He sat me on his lap and started telling me the plan of salvation. Being a pastors daughter, it wasn't anything I hadn't heard before. For some reason, and to this day I don't know why, I was so stiff and didn't want to listen. I didn't really understand I don't think. I did "pray the prayer" just to get the conversation over.
For several years after that I struggled with knowing what I needed to do but I was too proud. When I was eleven I talked to Dad again. I can't really explain what was going on at this point. I said a prayer again (for about the millionth time at this point). I kept struggling after this with thoughts like "Did I really mean it?" and "Did I say the right thing?" I still had no peace.
In April of 2002 I had gone to a revival meeting one evening and when I came home I was lying in bed with the same feelings going over in my head. "Am I sincere enough?" And then... God started to move. I started realizing something that I had known for a long time but had not really realized. I don't have to do anything 'right'. Salvation is by grace through faith and not my prayer with just the right words. God just brought me to a point where I trusted Him. I finally believed Him when He said "Whosoever."


spyder-slayer™ said...

WOW, thank you for sharing that.

Rhonda said...

If any one tried the link for Courtney's site and it didn't work... Sorry! It should work now. I should have checked last night.

Shelley said...

Hi Rhonda. In case you didn't know I'm on blogger too. I have been for a long time, but you know me, I tend to forget!:) Anyway, Charlie read your testimony last night and encouraged the girls to read it. So of course I wanted to as well. Thanks for sharing it, I think the girls can glean something from it. Love you bunches, Shelley