When I was little my parents told my sisters and me that we could get our ears pierced when we turned 18. My dad always wanted us to have things to look forward to. He didn't want us to grow up all at once.
When I was little we went to the mall at Christmas time every year. That was about the only time we ever went to the mall then. We love to see all the decorations. The year Beckisue turned 17 my parents decided to let her go ahead and get her ears pierced for Christmas. Since she is the oldest the age changed. We now had to be 17.
Each of us ended up having to wait until we were just a little over 17. It is kind of funny how that worked out. Beckisue of course waited because she wasn't given permission until after she was 17. Then Monica had to wait because Beckisue did. Older sisters just work that way. :) Then when I turned 17 I decided to wait just because I wanted to. Actually it was a long story that I won't bore anyone with. I finally made the decision to have holes punched a few months later. Amanda had to wait because we were in the middle of remodeling our house when she turned 17 and mom didn't want her to get an infection from all the dirt and stuff.
So, guess what? Stephanie turned 17 a few weeks ago. But tradition holds. Everyone decided that Stephanie had to wait too.
Stephanie and some friends from church have been making plans for weeks. They all wanted to go together. Things didn't work out how they had planned but but two of them did get to go together.
They both decided it didn't hurt nearly as bad as everyone had told them it would. They were both quite relieved.
So that makes the last of the Cosby girls to get extra holes in their head. :)