We didn't know where to go to church today. We found one Baptist church close by and an other not much further down the road that was an IFB. I didn't know up from down with them. We just randomly picked. We actually drove by both this morning since we had two hours after breakfast and before service.
We choose one, sit out side for half an hour waiting for time to go in. We knew it was a VERY small church by the amount of cars. What we didn't know was that it was a black church. :) Let's just say their song service was a little different than I am used to. All in all the service was fine. Nothing great but we could have ended up in a much worse church. The pastor was on vacation so one of the men in the church was preaching.
While I am posting I might as well go ahead and tell about this evening. After supper we decided to back out to the tower/gazebo over looking the water and watch the sunset. It doesn't just over look the gulf, but also several inlets and swamps. It was amazingly beautiful! Jim and Marge asked me to take my violin up with me like I did last time. When I pulled it out of the case the first song that came to mind was How Great Thou Art. It just seemed fitting. The beauty was spectacular. I could never begin to describe it even if I was good at painting pictures with words. Jim took some pictures but they don't do it justice either. Jim doesn't have a card reader so I can't load any of the pictures. When I get home I just might post some of them. (I am terrible about posting pictures!)
So that is a very rambling post. But! It is a post after all. :P

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