Thursday, September 11, 2008

Giving Blood

Monica and I went to music lessons this morning. My teacher didn't have any students right after us so the three of us went to lunch. It was really nice.
We went straight to give blood from there. I always dread giving blood. I don't know why I keep going back every six weeks! We got there took our numbers and waited a while. Monica finally decided she couldn't wait as long as it was going to take because she had to get to work. So we left and said we might be back later.
We went back about 5:30 this evening. I was dreading it as always. I think it was the easiest time I have ever had. The questions and paper work always take forever, but from the time the needle was put in until I was done was only 5 minutes! I was very happy. The only bad part was she missed my vein the first time and had to hold it there while she waited for an other girl to come over, get her gloves on and find it. They twisted it around and stuck it a little further in and finally found it. It wasn't as bad as it sounds or as I was expecting. The girls told me to keep breathing! I said "With a needle hanging out of my arm???!" But I got over it. I guess it is the same as it is with the ladders. I really hate it at first but I keep doing it anyway and eventually get used to it.
So, tonight I am exhausted as I always am when I am done, but I made it through giving blood an other time.


Stephanie Cosby said...

You didn't tell that today is your birthday! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Rhonda, Happy Birthday to you! And many more.....

love you favoritest baby sister! :D

Anna Joy said...

Happy 23rd birthday, rhonda!

AboveAllRubies said...

Happy birthday Rhonda! :)

We love you!


Amber said...

Happy Birthday Rhonda!!
I would have called you today, if i could have only remembered your Number... (which i do not call very often, sorry to say.)
Many Happy Returns!! :)

Rhonda said...

Thanks, everyone! I had a wonderful birthday.