Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Visit with Courtney

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009
Gianna Jessen

Monday, September 28, 2009
Trip to Illinois

Monday, September 14, 2009
A post about nothing!

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Boston Adventure Part 1 (pre Boston part)

Sunday, May 17, 2009
A pretty tree

Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Meeting a Cousin

The Quarterly Gathering

Locked In
Here is a letter I wrote to Bethany about a month ago. I have been meaning to post it and I just never made it priority. I have a LOT of posting to catch up on.
I guess now is as good of a time to write as any. I am locked in my bedroom and I haven’t the foggiest idea how to get out. I was ironing some fabric that I was getting ready to cut. Dorothy’s ironing board is on the back of the bedroom door. I pushed the door all the way closed not realizing that the door knob was coming off. When I went to twist the knob it twisted but didn’t grab anything. So her I am. I can’t yell for Dorothy because she would never hear me. I can’t climb out a window because there are bars on all of them. I just have to figure out how to open the door.
The bars on one of the windows are on hinges and has a padlock. I guess I will just have to go through everything until I find that key.I am hoping when Dorothy gets hungry she will realize I am missing. The problem is that will be at least an hour . Maybe a lot longer than that, you don’t know with her.
Are you laughing yet? If you are reading this letter it means I found my way out. J
The bright side is it gave me (or made me) the chance to get my room all straightened up. There is always a bright side to everything!
Here I have filled a whole card and only told you one thing! And the drama has just begun. I have yet to tell you how I got out. I guess I should go see if I can figure that part out…
Guess what?! I stopped writing, opened a drawer, saw a box, opened it up, and guess what was inside? Keys! Too bad none of them worked for the padlock. I then found a box wih a wallet inside. Guess what was in that? Yep! A key. Too bad it was a house key. On to the closet. I found a bucket of pennies with some keys on top. Guess what? An other house key and a garage key. I did find some pictures of the three oldest Portukalian boys when they were little. J
A bag – an other key. But I bet you can’t guess this time. ;) It doesn’t work. What is it with this lady and keys? A box with a key chain, (none of which work of course) and $16.50 in silver dollars and half dollars. One of them was dated 1882. How do you like my inventory?
OK, Bethany, the adventure has worn off and I am getting bored and hungry. I could hear my cell phone ringing but I couldn’t get to it. I have gone through all the drawers and tried to figure out how to take the hinges off, but they have been painted over too many times. I fed a long incense thing down behind the latch and put the curved end of a Bobbie pin in to pull the end out so I could make a loop; I was trying to be able to pull the latch but that plan didn’t work. I guess I am not a a very good McGyver.
I think I might have a soluion! I hear a lawn mower and weed eater. It is the guy mowing our yard. If I can get their attention I can tell them to ring the door bell and tell Dorothy what is going on!
So that idea didn’t work either. The men never came into view of my window. I finally just diceded to take a nap.
I woke up and tried the incense thing again. Guess what?! This time it worked I pushed in on the door while pulling on the incense stick and it popped open. All in all I think it was about two and a half hours. When I went out to see Dorothy she hadn’t missed me!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Farmers Market

Monday, March 30, 2009
Day at the Beach
This picture is NOT going to go where it is supposed to so it is just going to stay up here at the top!

Joseph with his seaweed. He collected that stuff all day!

Friday, March 6, 2009
California is...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
An Other Day
When I left the library I decided to go to Barnes and Noble. My GPS said it was about 4 miles away. No problem. I start following the directions. It was acting SO strange. It told me "prepare to arrive at destination in 500 yards" (or what ever distance it said) but I wasn't even on the right street and I knew it. Then it said arriving at destination. I start looking around. If there is a Barnes and Noble I should be able to see it right??? They don't usually stick those in the middle of houses! I was in a residential area. I keep driving down that street (which was NOT Colorado Blvd. like the GPS kept telling me) and pretty soon I come to a sign that says "Welcome to Los Angelous." Now I am thinking "This isn't where I wanted to be!" I drove a little bit farther until I
found a good place to turn around. Then when I went back by the same area it told me AGAIN that I was at my destination! That thing is crazy. It tells me how far before I need to turn at the top of my screen. Yesterday I would be stopped at a red light and look at it and the distance before my next turn would keep counting down... .4, .3, .2, .1, "turn left now" Mean while I am still sitting at the same red light and haven't moved so much as a foot let alone .4 of a mile! I finally just found a place to park so I could look at it and figure out what was wrong. I think it wasn't getting a good enough signal. When I started holding it up instead of having it lying in my lap, it started working. I did find Barnes and Noble but I didn't go in. It was just a little shop. The parking was pretty much non existant so at that point I decided it was just time to go home. GPSs are wonderful when they work! At least it was a nice day for a drive and I got to explore some more of the area!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Dorothy is a sweet lady. She is so easy to please. She likes to eat just about anything, and since getting her meals is pretty much my main responsibility it is very easy!
A friend of mine has talked about a friend of hers that lives out here. When I came out to visit Rob and Chrissy a couple of years ago I wanted to get a chance to meet her but she lived too far away. When I got out here I kept thinking I should get in contact with her and find out where she lives because I couldn't remember. Sunday I was talking to my friend and she told me I should meet this girl while I was out here. She told me the name of the town where she lives. I couldn't believe it. She lives in the next town north from here. It is less than ten minutes away. Of course, out here there is no devision between one town and the next. When I talked to this girl this morning (I guess if I gave her name it would be easier to follow, it is Maryrose) she said she lives right on the border of the town where I live! Craziness! My parents and I were really hoping I would meet a girl while I was out here that I could do some things with. I have already become friends with the pastors family at the church I have been going to. They are a very sweet family and I have enjoyed getting to know them.
Dorothy has been telling me over and over and OVER again to make sure I see everything I can while I am out here. I hope to but I really hate to go a lot of places by myself. Local things I will do but I am not adventurous enough or maybe I should say stupid enough to go touring LA by my self. :) We will see what works out.
Until next time,

Friday, February 27, 2009
I am still here...
I won't take the time now to post much. I will try to catch up tomorrow or some other time. I am getting settled in. Everything is going pretty smoothly. I am still missing everyone at home, of course!

Sunday, February 15, 2009
My First Sunday in California

Friday, February 13, 2009
Day Three

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Arriving in California

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Adventure in Holland (MI that is)
Last Wednesday my parents and I set out on a 150 mile trip across terribly snowy roads. Well... I can say that the entire 15o miles was snowy. The first half was pretty bad but after we got into MI the roads cleared up. Now what are the odds on that one???
I guess I should get around to explaining the point of the trip. My dear friend Bethany and I had been scheming for a while trying to figure out how to get together. We finally worked it out. We were going to meet half way between her house and my house and spend a while together.
We met at Perkins restaurant for lunch. We all enjoyed our dinner and laughed and talked. Dad said you could tell who was doing the talking because I was the last one eating. :)
When we were done Bethany and I decided to walk back to the row of stores that were across the parking lot. We walked the stores and did some more talking. Does that come as a surprise to any of you? We found a Christian book store. That is where we spent most of our time. We walked through the store discussing different books, authors, etc. Then we found the comfy chairs that book stores have and sat down for more good chatting. :) Our dads came in after a while. They did the same thing we did. The walked through the store looked at books, discussed some authors, and then went and sat in the chairs Bethany and I had been in when we got up to go look at some rings. My dad even sat in the chair I had been sitting in and her dad sat in the chair she had been sitting in.
Bethany and I picked out these neat rings that we really liked. We had looked at all the rings in the store (more than once!) and this one was our favorite. After a while Bethany just grabbed two of them and went and bought them. Isn't she sweet? ;)
All too soon our day came to a close. I was sad, of course, to say good bye but I was ever so thankful for the time we had gotten to spend!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Hope of Our Nation
I will give praise to the Hope of the nations.
I will give thanks to the Lord,
I will give thanks with a song of glad adoration.
I had many things I thought about saying tonight. When I heard this song it just jumped out at me and I changed my mind. Even though we as a nation have turned our back on Him, Christ is still the only Hope of our nation.

Friday, January 16, 2009
Not to say it is cold here or anything...
2. Our county was the coldest around here.
3. It was about 60 degrees colder last night than it was in Alaska.
4. It is over 100 degrees colder than where my brother and sister in law live which is where Monica is visiting right now.
1. I have lots of clothes to dress warmly in.
2. I have a home to live in.
3. I have mounds of blankets (you should see my bed about now!)
4. Most importantly, we have a God who controls the weather.
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye Heavenly hosts!
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!

Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
More delays of real posts...
Today was long. I don't really feel like giving details because I am tired. I know this is boring for everyone, but after all this is what I said I started this blog for - So I could keep track of events.
Anyway... enough excuses already.
I got up late (I am really good at sleeping through the snooze on my alarm clock!) and had to rush around to leave in time for my violin lesson. Monica and I left on time (surprisingly enough) for our lessons. We had our normal lessons. Enough of that part of the day.
We left straight from there to go to Lafayette. It takes about an hour and half to get there from where we were. We met with some friends for lunch. We ate at this place called Moe's. I got the biggest burrito type thing I have ever seen. I didn't even eat half of it. ( the rest of it will come in later in my story)
When we had said our good byes we went to clean a house. Monica was supposed to clean it earlier this week but that is a story in and of itself. So since I was along for the ride today I helped her clean it. The house was massive!! It made ours look small. (maybe not quite but close) It was built in 1843. I really like old houses. It was such a cool house! It had some pretty ornate woodwork.
After we finished cleaning the house I was starting to get hungry again. So I got my burrito out and started eating it again. When I decided I had had enough I wrapped it up again. We did a little bit of shopping while we were there. And on the way home I finished my burrito. I told you it was BIG. Now do you believe me?
Was that boring enough for everyone?? At least I can say I posted.